A series of seminars aimed at helping immigrant businesspeople integrate into the UK trade system is starting.

The first topic, “Export and Import in the UK,” will be discussed on the evening of February 18th at 8 PM.

For details and other seminars, you can get information from Instagram https://www.instagram.com/springeducationsociety/ and our website at http://www.springeducation.org.uk

Zoom Meeting ID: 259 825 5093
Password: Spring

Participation Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2598255093?pwd=ZS9Sc1dpeGJYTDdTYnVUZnlpSEJ5Zz09&omn=87835187984


TIK TOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@springeducation

YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFxcxmujZ8J1qdd0HzF34WQ

WEB SİTESİ : https://springeducation.org.uk/